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The “called out ones”, the bride of Christ, living joyfully under the lordship of Jesus Christ and the rule of His appointed officers for the purpose of worshipping the Lamb before His throne, gathering His elect, and communing together while looking for His glorious return.

Jesus Christ loved the church and gave His life for her and Paul writes in Ephesians that upon His glorious ascension, He gave gifts for her perfection.  The Church is the most glorious institution on earth and is the manifestation of His never-ending Kingdom.

The church, being the covenant people of God, have determined to meet together, particularly on the Lord's Day, the Christian Sabbath, but also on other occasions.  These meetings are intended for the exaltation of her God and Savior, the salvation of lost souls through the proclamation of the Gospel, and the edification of the saints.  God has graciously provided the church with every means necessary for these graces.


The Church is the place where true, Biblical worship takes place.  It is the appointed time and place where His saints gather themselves together in a holy assembly to behold Him in His majesty and to meet with Him in sacred reverence.


Christ is the only head of the church, and under His careful and loving watch, He has ordained, gifted, and called men to serve His body in the two offices of Elder/Pastor and Deacon.


The Church is made up of every soul that Christ has redeemed and brought to saving faith through the work of His Spirit upon and within them.  These members are covenantally joined together in union with Christ as signified through the sacraments of Baptism and the sweet communion of the Lord's Table.


Jesus said that the world would recognize His disciples by their love one for another.  This should be observable as the church enjoys the community offered them in the church.  There is safety and comfort as every member supports and loves mutually.

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