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We believe the only two offices in the church today are the Elder/Pastor and the Deacon.  Christ is the only Head of the Church, and He is the one who calls and gifts men to these offices.  The gifts of Christ are always the best gifts.  The Elders serve and lead the Church through the ministry of the Word and prayer, and through an exemplary and holy life.  The Deacon is subservient to the Pastor/Elder and serves the Church by caring for the business and physical needs of the church.  By his service, the Deacons undergird the Pastors allowing them to focus on the ministry of the Word and prayer.


Pastor Jonathan Murdock – Jonathan received the call to be the Pastor of Trinity in 2018.  Prior to coming to Trinity, he spent ten years in Mexico City planting a church.  Jonathan has been involved in hiking the jungles of Chiapas, Mexico and preaching the gospel to the remotest village.  Prior to this, he recognized his pastoral calling while involved in youth ministry in West Texas and has developed a great passion to preach the Word, herald the gospel, and promote the growth of the church through expounding sound doctrine.  While in Mexico City, he also found his beloved bride, Ivonne.  Jonathan and Ivonne now live in Port Acres, TX with their three sons, Iain, Christopher, and Owen.


Pastor Edwin Guzman – Edwin has been at Trinity since 2013.  He has remained here through the good times and the storms.  He has witnessed, and been integrally involved, in Trinity’s maturation and reformation in conforming more and more to the doctrines of Scripture.  Through his many years of ministry, service, leadership, and prayer, he has beheld God’s work and providential guidance in bringing Trinity to where it is today.  Edwin was ordained in 2018 and has been a tremendous example of faithfulness and love for the church.  Edwin and his beloved wife, Teresa, are from La Union, El Salvador and have lived in Port Arthur, TX for nearly 30yrs.

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